What is Donat Mg? 

Donat Mg, a gift of nature, is an exceptional natural mineral water, benefiting from 100 years. Donat Mg is richer in magnesium than any other natural mineral water in the world. 

Why Magnesium is important? 

Magnesium helps reduce tiredness and fatigue, supports the balance of electrolytes, muscle function and nervous system, and promotes healthy bones and teeth. Your magnesium requirements can be met with only 3 decilitres of Donat Mg a day.

Donat Mg has a beneficial effect on the digestion and its high content of hydrogen carbonates can help relieve heartburn. Don’t forget about the importance of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

What are the ingredients of Donat Mg? 

Typical ingredients of Donat Mg natural mineral water (mg/L):
magnesium (Mg2+) 1000
sodium (Na+) 1700
calcium (Ca2+) 380
hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-) 7800
sulphate (SO42-) 2100
chloride (Cl-) 75
carbon dioxide (CO2) min. 3500
What is the history of Donat Mg? 

Donat Mg has been benefiting from last 100 years. To read more about the history visit the following link Donat Mg history

How Donat Mg helps with constipation? 


Due to the modern way of life, more and more people have problems with slow digestion and constipation. Most people believe that their digestion is in order even if they have only 2 to 3 bowel movements weekly, not knowing that this is actually a sign of slow digestion. A healthy person has at least one bowel movement daily.

Although each person has his or her own digestive rhythm, difficult, infrequent bowel movements less than once daily with a feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation and bloating can in most cases be labelled as slow digestion, which can lead to chronic constipation due to poor diet and insufficient exercise. Such problems usually begin at a young age but are more frequent with advancing years.

Donat Mg is a natural laxative that always works and does not cause tolerance.

Possible causes of constipation include:

  • Industrial ready-made foods, full of unhealthy fats and sugar and with too much carbohydrates. Their metabolic residues stay in the body, sticking to walls and slowing down digestion, thus causing constipation and poisoning the organism. Furthermore, they prevent the absorption of nutrients and present an excellent breeding ground for harmful bacteria.
  • Insufficient physical activity, and thus lack of stimulation of digestive organs.
  • Certain psychological or personality traits, such as bitterness, phlegmatic personality, thriftiness, compulsive perfectionism, sadness and, of course, stress, which seems unavoidable these days.

  • Insufficient daily liquid intake. As a rule, a person should drink 2 to 2.5 litres of liquid a day, preferably water or unsweetened tea. The elderly especially should be very careful, as they tend to drink too little because they do not feel as much thirst.
  • Frequent use of laxatives, which deprives the body of potassium, which in turn leads to lethargy, nausea and intestinal insensitivity.
  • Other medical reasons

To alleviate these problems:

  • Eat food that is rich in fibre, such as fresh vegetables;
  • Drink at least 2 litres of water daily;
  • Eat as much unprocessed food and whole-wheat grains as possible;
  • Limit meat intake;
  • Have fruit instead of sweets.

How Donat Mg helps with constipation?

Because of its hyperosmolarity, Donat Mg is a natural osmotic laxative. It is classified as a saline laxative.

Its effectiveness as a laxative is due to sulphate salts (magnesium sulphate or Epsom salt and sodium sulphate or Glauber’s salt) and around 1000 mg/l of magnesium. Sulphates draw water from the cells of the intestinal wall by osmosis, increasing the volume of intestinal content 3 to 5 times; this exerts pressure on the intestinal wall and triggers its peristalsis or movement. Magnesium also additionally stimulates the intestinal hormones that boost peristalsis.

Important: Please adhere to the recommended intake. If consumed in excessive quantities, diarrhoea may occur, but this should stop when you cease drinking the Donat Mg.

How Donat Mg helps with heartburn? 


Heartburn occurs as the result of the increased secretion of stomach acid; we experience it as pain in the upper stomach or sometimes in the oesophagus. It’s a problem that one out of ten people have to deal with and is more frequent among older people, men and pregnant women.

Because the oesophageal lining has a different composition to the stomach lining and is therefore less protected, it can be damaged by acid. The recurring, frequent and extended reflux of acid into the oesophagus may lead to serious medical problems, so you should act as soon as possible.

Excessive secretion of stomach acid can seriously damage your health.

The reasons for heartburn may include:

  • Poor diet and heavy meals
  • Certain foods and drinks (chocolate, tomatoes, coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks);
  • Excessive body weight, smoking, lying down after a meal, tight clothes, working while bent over, lifting heavy objects;
  • Taking certain medicines.

To alleviate these problems:

  • Change your lifestyle and habits and reduce stress, both physical and psychological;
  • Eat light food and avoid heavy meals;
  • Avoid things like coffee, alcohol and cigarettes;
  • Maintain a healthy weight;
  • Sleep with your head raised;
  • Chew food well;
  • Eat slowly and have several lighter meals rather than a few big ones;
  • Drink at least 2 litres of water a day.

How Donat Mg helps with heartburn

The stomach makes 2 to 3 litres of acidic fluids each day. These consist mostly of hydrochloric acid and pepsin (an enzyme that speeds up the metabolism of proteins).

Donat Mg contains approximately 7,800 mg of hydrogen carbonate. This high hydrogen carbonate content has a great capacity for bonding to acids and buffering free acids. It bonds to stomach acid in equal amounts.

Therefore Donat Mg is a natural replacement for medicines against excess stomach acid.

In cases of serious or chronic complaint, please consult your doctor.

Important: Donat Mg must not be taken by patients with alkalosis.

How Donat Mg helps with magnesium deficiency? 


Most people are unaware of the role and importance of magnesium in the functioning of the organism. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals and is essential for good health. Experts have determined that the recommended daily dose of magnesium for adults is 375 mg.

The amount of an element as important as magnesium is carefully regulated by the body. If cells begin to lack magnesium, the body replaces it from its own stores – from the bones and the liver. If the balance of magnesium is negative, the following general signs of deficiency quickly become apparent: constipation, loss of appetite, feeling unwell, fatigue, low energy, muscle spasms, pins and needles, irritability, sleep disorders, headaches, poor concentration and psychological changes.

Scientists have called magnesium the anti-stress mineral and a salve for the nerves and muscles.

The larger the deficiency, the more pronounced the symptoms. These can include pins and needles, tremors, muscle spasms, cramps, and sudden changes in behaviour caused by increased electrical activity in the brain, along with heart rhythm changes. Severe magnesium deficiency can in turn cause a decrease in blood calcium concentration, which is also associated with a decrease in potassium concentration.

Severe deficiency is very rare. While minor magnesium deficiency causes problems only in some cases, these tend to persist once they occur. These vary and can manifest themselves in several ways.

Most of these symptoms are very general and can be due to other medical conditions, not only magnesium deficiency. If you notice any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor to ensure you get proper help. 

Causes of magnesium deficiency include:

  • Those who lose magnesium from their organism or have weakened absorption of magnesium have a greater need for this mineral.
  • Modern food production and processing, which causes decreased content of magnesium and other minerals in foodstuffs, causing a lack of magnesium in the modern diet.
  • A poor, unbalanced diet and certain fad diets, as well as foods very rich in calcium, or a lack of vitamins B1, B2 and B6.
  • Certain medicines, such as diuretics, antibiotics and certain chemotherapeutic agents.
  • Endocrine causes (certain thyroid, kidney and adrenal gland diseases).
  • Insufficiently managed diabetes is also often accompanied by magnesium deficiency, as hyperglycaemia is tightly linked to increased magnesium secretion through the kidneys.
  • Alcoholism is also accompanied by magnesium deficiency. Alcohol prevents the absorption of magnesium from the digestive tract and causes increased secretion of urine.
  • Insufficient absorption and loss of magnesium from the digestive tract after certain surgeries can lead to magnesium deficiency. People with Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and similar bowel diseases that are accompanied by diarrhoea are also at risk of magnesium deficiency.
  • Stress and a fast pace of life increase the body’s demand for magnesium.
  • The elderly are often magnesium deficient partly due to decreased intake and partly due to decreased absorption and increased secretion through the kidneys.

To alleviate these problems:

  • Eat healthy, natural, unprocessed food; Eat a lot of green vegetables, whole-wheat grains and sprouts, and include nuts in your diet;
  • Avoid excessive alcohol intake;
  • Exercise regularly and avoid stress.

The role of magnesium in your body:

  • essential in cases of increased demand (intensive growth, breast-feeding, pregnancy);
  • takes part in more than 300 biochemical processes in the human organism;
  • helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion;
  • contributes to normal psychological functioning;
  • contributes significantly to electrolyte balance;
  • helps release energy from metabolism;
  • contributes to the functioning of the nervous system;
  • contributes to normal muscle function, including cardiac function;
  • contributes to the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth;
  • plays a role in cell division and protein synthesis.

How Donat Mg helps with magnesium deficiency

As little as 0.3 to 0.4 litres of Donat Mg natural mineral water is enough to satisfy the recommended daily allowance of magnesium.

Donat Mg natural mineral water is recommended in combination with a varied and balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Does Donat Mg has any references? 

Many scientists have conducted research into natural mineral water. The characteristics and effects of Donat Mg have been discussed in detail in scientific articles written by renowned Slovene and foreign authors. Follow the link and read the references in details: References 

Specialist literature

  • Monograph: Kohlensäurehaltige Heilwässer der Kommison B 8 (Balneologie). Bundesanzeiger , 27 September 1989, No. 182, p. 4574.
  • Monograph: Sulfathaltige Heilwässer der Kommison B 8 (Balneologie). Bundesanzeiger, 26 June 1990, No. 115, p. 3239.
  • Monograph: Calciumhaltige Heilwässer der Kommison B 8 (Balneologie). Bundesanzeiger, 26 June 1990, No. 115, p. 3239.
  • Monograph: Calcium-Magnesium- Hydrogencarbonathaltige Heilwässer der Kommison B 8 (Balneologie). Bundesanzeiger, 26 June 1990, No. 115, p. 3239.
  • Monograph: Natrium-Hydrogencarbonat-haltige Heilwässer der Kommison B 8 (Balneologie). Bundesanzeiger , 6 March 1992, No. 46, p. 1659.
  • Magnesiumhaltige Heilwässer der Kommison B 8 (Balneologie). Bundesanzeiger, 23 February 1994, No. 37, p. 1618.
  • Gutenbrunner C., Hildebrandt G. Handbuch der Heilwasser-Trinkkuren. Sontag Verlag. Stuttgart, 1994.

Expert opinions

  • Resch K-L, Dorer B. Medizinisches Gutachten für das natürliche Mineralwasser »Donat Mg« aus der Quelle Donat im Kurort Rogaška Slatina/Sloweinen, Forschungsinstitutes für Balneologie und Kurortwissenschaft, Bad Elster, 2006.
  • Marktl W. Ernährungsphysiologisches Gutachten Betreffend die Anerkennung der Rogaska Donatquelle als Natürliches Mineralwasser gemäss Codexkapitel B 17, 6 December 1996.
  • Čoh V. Pitne kure z naravno mineralno vodo Donat Mg, Center za razvoj in znanstveno raziskovanje mineralnih vod, Rogaška Slatina, 27 October 1995.
  • Lavrič J. The monograph on the Rogaška magnesium mineral water, the natural mineral water from Donat spring, Centre for the prevention, further treatment, the rehabilitation of gastro-enterological and metabolism diseases, Rogaška Slatina Health Resort, 1989.
  • Fazarinc A. Strokovno mnenje o zdravilnosti mineralne vode Donat iz Zdravilišča Rogaška Slatina, No. 01-242/1. The Health Insurance Institute of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana, 8 June 1982.
  • Cvahte S. Strokovno mnenje o zdravilnosti mineralne vode Donat iz zdravilišča Rogaška Slatina, No. 01-480/1. The Health Insurance Institute of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana, 23 August 1977.
  • Leskovar R. Potrdilo o zdravilnosti naravne mineralne vode iz Donat vrelca v Rogaški Slatini, No. 180/64. Institute of Balneology of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia. Rogaška Slatina, 10 August 1964.

Scientific articles

  • Leskovar R. Über die Gallentreibnene Wirkung natürlicher magnesiumhaltiger Mineralwässer. Balneologe, 1939;6:112-120.
  • Leskovar R. Über die Wirkung eines magnesiumhaltigen Mineralwassers auf die extrahepatischen Gallenwege. Balneologe, 1941;8:102-111.
  • Leskovar R. Über die Funktion des Sphincter Oddi. Arch exp Path Pharmakol, 1941;197:361-369.
  • Leskovar R. Zdravljenje želodčnih bolnikov v Rogaški Slatini I. Zdrav vest,1952;21:163-170; II. Zdrav vest,1952;21:201-207.
  • Leskovar R. Einblick in die Wirkungsweise eines MgSO4 – haltigen Mineralwassers auf grund neuer Untersuchungen. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk,1955;2:187: 1-4.
  • Leskovar R. Wirkungsweise eines magnesium- und sulfat-haltigen Mineralwassers auf den Diabetes mellitus. Beeinflussung von Insulin und Adreanlinwirkungen sowie der Glykolise. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk, 1959;6:32-54.
  • Leskovar R. Pathophysiologische Betrachtung zur Trinkkur. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk, 1959;6:489-496.
  • Leskovar R. Beeinflussung der Blutgerinnung bei Lebertherapie mit magnesiumhaltigem Mineralwasser. Arch physik Ther, 1964;16:311-316.
  • Leskovar R. Prophylaktische Bedeutung von Mineralwasserkuren. Prophylakse, 1965;4:6-15.
  • Leskovar R. Balneoterapija pri kirurških primerih žolčnih obolenj. Zdrav vest, 1967;35:85-88.
  • Leskovar R. Beeinflussung des Ca- und Mg-Blutspiegels bei einigen Krankenheitsgruppen durch die Trinkkur mit einer Mg- und Ca- haltigen Heilquelle. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk, 1968;15:246-257.
  • Leskovar R. Die balneologische Behandlung der Magenkrankheiten. Österr Monatshefte aerztl Fortbildung u pharmazeutische Dokumentation,1969;10:168-181.
  • Leskovar R. Die Trinkkur. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk,1970;17:370-390.
  • Leskovar R. Trinkkuren und Elektrolythaushalt. I. Beeinflussung des Säure-Basengleichgewichts im Blut. Vergleichende Beobachtung im Verlauf des Pyrexal-Testes. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk, 1972;19:106-115.
  • Leskovar R. Trinkkuren und Elektrolythaushalt. II. Veränderungen des Serum-Ionogramms und der renalen Regulierung. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk, 1972;19:343- 370.
  • Leskovar R. Trinkkuren und Elektrolythaushalt. III. Veränderungen des Ionogramms im Speichel. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk, 1973;20:219-228.
  • Leskovar R. Trinkkuren und Elektrolythaushalt. IV. Veränderungen im Schweiss. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk, 1973;20:395-401.
  • Leskovar R. Trinkkuren bei Erkrankungen der Harnwege. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk, 1976;23;201-211.
  • Leskovar R, Meyer-Leddin HJ. Entzündungswidrige Wirkung von Trinkkuren. Veränderungen der Serum-Harn- und Speichel- Ionogramme durch die Pyrexalentzündung und durch Trinkkuren. Z angew Bäder-Klimaheilk, 1978;25:132-141.
  • Leskovar R. Beeinflussung von Kalzium und Magnesium im Verlauf der Resorption aus Mineralwässern. Krankenhaus Arzt, 1978;51:358-364.
  • Zaveršnik H. The significance of magnesium (Mg) in medicine. Zdrav vest, 1982; 51:159–164.
  • Glavnik B, Zaveršnik H. The significance of magnesium in acute hepatic porphyria. Zdrav Vest, 1984; 53:387–389.
  • Lavrič J, Zaveršnik H. Drinking of mineral water Donat Mg and its influence on the serum magnesium concentration in diabetics. Magnesium Bulletin 8, 1986; 2:275.

  • Prevorčnik A. Vpliv mineralne vode Donat Mg na inhibitorje in promotorje urolitiaze v urinu. Disertacija, Ljubljana, 1992.
  • Kmetec A. Nekateri metabolni dejavniki pomembni pri urolitiazi. Magistrsko delo, Ljubljana,1995.
  • Bren A, Kmetec A, Kveder R, Kaplan-Pavlovčič S. Magnesium hydrogen carbonate natural mineral water enriched with K+-citrate and vitamin B6 improves urinary abnormalities in patients with calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis. Urol. Int., 1998;60: 105-107.
  • Tršinar B., Kmetec A., Oblak C., Pregelj Žurner M., Tepeš B., Efficasy of citrate-enriched mineral beverage in the prevention of calcium urolithiasis. Zdrav Vestn, 2010; 79: 7-18.
  • Gundermann G., Gutenbrunner Chr., Karagülle O., Eigen sich Heil-und Mineralwässer zur Mineralstoffsubstitution?, Ernährung & Medizin 2004; 19: 63-68.
  • Böhmer H, Resch KL, Gutenbrunner C: Sulfat - Heilwasser – eine zeitgemässe medikamentöse Alternative? Phys Rehab Kur Med. 1999; 9, pp.1–5.
  • Schoppen S., Peres-Granados M.A., Carabajal A., Oubina P., Sanchez-Muniz F., Gomez-Gerique A.J., Vaquero P.M. A Sodium- Rich Carbonated Mineral Water Reduces Cardiovascular Risk in Postmenopausal Women. J. Nutr.,2004; 134:1058 – 1063.
  • Santos A, Martins M J, Guimaraes J T, Severo M, Azevedo I. Sodium-rich carbonated natural mineral water ingestion and blood pressure. Rev Port Cardiol, 2010; 29(02): 159-172.
  • Peres-Granados M.A, Navas-Carretero S., Shoppen S., Vaquero P.M. Reduction in cardiovascular risk by sodium –bicarbonated mineral water in moderately hypercholesterolemic young adults. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2010; 21: 948-953.
  • Kim D J, Xun P, Liu K, Loria C, Yakota K, Jacobs Jr R D, He K. Magnesium intake in Relation to Systematic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, and the Incidence of diabetes. Diabetes care, 2010; 33 (12): 2604-2610.
  • Breng R, Schaufusss C, Franke A: Trinkkur mit einem sulfathaltigen Heilwasser zeigt lipidsenkende Wirkung. Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren 1994; 35, pp. 891–901.
  • Breng R, Konzak K, Frenke T: Cholesterolsenkende Wirkung einer Trinkkur mit sulfathaltigen Mineralwässern. Phys Rehab Kur Med.1994; 4, pp.191–193.
  • Corradini G.S. at al. Beneficial effect of sulphate-bicarbonate-calcium water on gallstone risk and weight control. World J Gastroenterol. 2012; 18 (9):930-937.
  • Chung-Jyi T. at al. LongTerm Effect of Magnesium Consumption on the Risk of Symptomatic Gallstone Disease Among Men. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008; 103: 375-382.
  • Hesse A., Weber A., Miersch -D.W. Magnesium-substitution durch Mineralwasser. Theerapiewoche. 1988; 38: 2510-2513.
  • Schuck P, Böhmer K, Resch K-L. Migräne und Migräneprophylaxe: die Bedeutung von Magnesium. Schweiz Med Wochenschr, 1999;129:63-70.
  • Karagülle O., Kleczka T., Vidal C., Candir F., Gundermann G., Külpmann R.W., Gehrke A., Gutenbrunner C. Magnesium Absorption from Mineral Waters of Different magnesium Content in Healthy Subjects. Forsch Komplementärmed. 2006; 13: 9-14.
  • Sabatier M., Arnaud J.M., Kastenmayer P., Rytz A., Barclay V. D. Meal effect on magnesium bioavailability from mineral water in healty women. Am J Clin Nutr, 2002;75:65-71.
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Who is the Distributor of Donat Mg in the UK and Northern Ireland ? 

Hearty living limited is the sole distributor of Donat Mg for UK and Northern Ireland. 

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